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We look forward to welcoming you to our celebration of Mass at the following times


Saturdays: 6.30pm Vigil Mass

Sundays: 10am and 12noon


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 10am

Wednesday:  Celebration of God's Word 10am


Wednesdays 7.30pm


Vigil Mass 7pm and 11am




Pope Francis has written a letter to all the people of the world, encouraging us to review and rethink the ways we use the resources of the Earth and how we can improve the ways we care for our Common Home.

Now, in a beautiful new film which highlights our call to be better stewards of Creation, four voices of the marginalised (the voice of the Indigenous, the voice of the young, the voice of the poor, and the voice of nature) come together with Pope Francis.

Watch the trailer, or click the link to watch the film in full.

Perhaps it will inspire you to take some action to help improve our environment?

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Latest Feedback from across the Diocese

The sharing from the Gathering we had in the parish earlier in the year has been added to the feedback from all the other parishes in the Diocese, and  has now been collated and analysed.

Please take some time to read the report and to reflect on what it is saying.  If you have any response or ideas that might help us in our planning for the future, then please contact any member of the Parish Team.


The latest Building Hope Feedback Report can be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image.

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Many thanks to all those who attended our recent parish gathering to think about our parish and reflect on the future.  Sr. Gertrude and Fiona, our animators for the evening, led us through the process in a prayerful, gentle and informative way.

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We divided into small groups to think about what we do well as a parish and ways in which we might develop, based on the framework from the Building Hope Task Force report.  (You can read the full copy of the report by clicking on the link further down the page.)

Please keep an eye on our website for more updates on the Building Hope process in our parish.

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The Building Hope Prayer

Pilgrim God, we give you thanks and praise.
You constantly journey with us even in our darkness and doubts.
We seek your way of loving kindness to walk together as one family.
Open our eyes to recognise you in the faces of one another,
in the breaking of bread and in the splendour of creation.
May the risen Christ sow seeds of hope and new life deep within us.
May our hearts and minds be filled with your Word,
bringing forth truth, justice and peace.
May the Holy Spirit working in and through us do much more
than we can dare to imagine
as we live out our baptismal calling in humble and loving service.
We make this our prayer through Christ Our Lord.

Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us.
St Laurence O’Toole, pray for us.
St Kevin, pray for us.
St Brigid, pray for us.


The journey is well underway towards the Universal Synod on how we as a Church might become more synodal.  This is about how we learn to listen to each other and try to increase our inclusivity as we move forward.  This is such an important moment for our Church so Pope Francis has recently decided to extend this process of listening with intent.

Our Diocesan Phase was completed and contributed towards a National Synthesis, collated from all the various Diocesan reports.
The next phase of the process is now happening with the collation of the National Reports into a Continental Phase Working Document to guide the process further.

To read or download the Dublin Diocesan Report, the National Synthesis or the Continental Phase Working Document please CLICK on the relevant image.

To learn more about where we are in the synodal process please watch this short video.

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