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Season of Creation
During this Season of Creation we are invited to reflect on our relationship with God's Creation and how we can respond to our role as Stewards and Co-Creators of this wonderful gift from God.
You may want to think about getting involved in some of the activities, prayers and reflections offered here.
A Prayer for our Earth
All powerful God,
you are present in the whole universe
and in the smallest of your creatures.
Pour out upon us the power of your love, that we may protect life and beauty.
Bring healing to our lives,
that we may protect the world
and not prey on it,
that we may sow beauty,
not pollution and destruction. Amen. (Laudato Si’, 246)
A Prayer Before Meals
Loving God,
we ask you to bless this food
which comes to us
through the work of many people,
from the sowing of seeds in the earth, to our table here today.
Help us to always care
for your beautiful creation. Amen.
Prayer of Gratitude for the Earth
For the marvellous grace
of your creation,
we pour out our thanks to you God.
For sun and moon and stars,
for rain and dew and winds,
for winter cold and summer heat.
We praise you God
for mountains and hills,
for springs and valleys,
for rivers and seas.
We praise you God,
for plants growing in earth and in water,
for life inhabiting lakes and seas,
for life creeping in soils and land,
for creatures living in wetlands and waters,
for lifeline flying above earth and sea,
for beasts dwelling in woods and fields.
How many and how wonderful are your works, O Lord.
Brother River Meditation
You are invited to take three minutes out of your day to watch this video reflection (above) of nature sounds and visuals. This may help you ponder on this year’s Season of Creation theme: Listen to the Voice of Creation.
Listen to creation’s call
What is God saying to us through the Book of Nature? Spend more time, with awareness, evoking the senses, contemplating God’s love for us through creation. Can we allow nature to be a teacher, a friend, a channel of God’s love?
Season of Creation 2022
CLICK HERE to download a copy of this year's brochure and learn more about our world and what you can do to help.
You can also spend some time on the Season of creation website: www.seasonofcreation.org
Laudato Si'
Read Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment. Download a copy by CLICKING HERE
Find out more about the work Trocaire is doing to help sustain our world - and then tell others about it! Visit their website: www.trocaire.org
Here are a few ideas of action you might take during this Season of Creation... and perhaps afterwards too!
Spend some time outdoors each day, in awareness, to reconnect with nature.
Compost your garden and food waste.
Shop wisely - buy Fairtrade and buy locally made products when possible.
Avoid waste: Reduce, reuse, recycle, recover.
Visit www.water.ie for water saving measures
Consider installing water butts in your gardens.
Offer a welcome to newcomers where you live.
Discuss with / write to your local TD to express your concern on Ireland’s record on addressing the climate crisis. Check out www.onefuture.ie for some ideas.
Make a pilgrimage to our local Holy Well on Church Road (just up from the church).
Refuse single use plastics such as cling film, straws, plastic cutlery.
Switch to a reusable water bottle /travel cup.
Use cloth bags for shopping; Bring/Use your own containers when possible.
Think about picking up some litter in your area, or while you are out for a walk – or organise/participate in a beach, stream, river, park, street, area, road clean-up.